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Internal quality assurance cell in S. Nijalingappa college has been established on 30th September 2004. The prime responsibility of the IQAC is to establish a framework that facilitate to develop an efficient team to deliberate and advocate proactive enhancement in academics, administration, and governance of the college. IQAC a steering committee of the college directs all endeavours and actions of the institution to enhance the tradition of excellence. IQAC is a think tank that designs and develops the action plan to inculcate the values of vision and mission in its function.

The IQAC is conceived as a mechanism to build and ensure quality culture at institution level and to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of the institute. In this pursuance, IQAC plays a vital role to channelize the efforts of the institution towards holistic approach for academic and administrative excellence.


  1. To develop a conscious and consistent monitoring mechanism to improve and sustain the quality education in Arts, Commerce, Science, Computer Science, Management, Hotel Management, Fashion Apparel and Design, Humanities, Literature, Tourism and Travel Management.
  2. To strengthen the institutional hierarchy and governance.
  3. To promote measures for institutional curricular aspects, student supporting system, infrastructure, teaching, learning and evaluation system, human resource development and functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best


  1. To ensure quality culture as the prime concern for KLE Society’s S. Nijalingappa College, under the full support of Management, Local Governing Body, University Governing council, Student council and through institutionalizing and internalizing all the initiatives taken with internal and external support of stakeholders.
  2. To establish a quality enhancement system, well defined policies, which would carry a continuous feedback analysis procedure to evaluate and enhance the quality of teaching, learning, research and extension activities of the institution, leading to improvements in all processes, enabling the institution to attain


  1. To prepare and arrange periodic assessment and accreditation of institution from various internal and external frameworks like AAA, AISHE, NIRF, NAAC, IIC and ISO.
  2. To accelerate the academic environment for promotion of quality of teaching-learning and research.
  3. To encourage self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy and innovations in higher education, research and extension activities.
  4. To undertake quality-related research studies, consultancy and training programs
  5. To collaborate with other stakeholders of higher education for quality evaluation, promotion, placements, entrepreneurship and sustenance.



Honourable members of IQAC represent all the criteria of institution and develop a feasible and applicable action plan to develop a quality culture and set the benchmarks. IQAC evolve a mechanism and procedures for:

  1. Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial
  2. Relevant quality pedagogy and innovative research
  3. Equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society.
  4. Optimization, innovation and integration of modern methods of teaching and
  5. Credibility of assessment and evaluation process with the support of ICT enabled infrastructure.
  6. Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services to the stakeholders.

Sharing research findings and networking with other institutions in India and abroad in different platforms viz., seminars, conferences, symposia and publications.

Mechanism of Quality Assurance

  1. Internal quality assurance mechanism: Implementation of policy is based on the prescribed guidelines of NAAC, UGC, Government and Management. The college develops its own internal quality assurance mechanism which is coherent with quality assurance framework which is approved by governing bodies to evaluate the quality of teaching programmes, teaching and learning experience, student assessment, internal moderation, support services, sources & facilities, research and programme review
  2. External quality assurance mechanism: In order to ensure and maintain high quality and standard of the institution, periodic assessment is made by University, AAA, NIRF, AISHE, ISO, NAAC, or any other agency suggested by the State Government from time to time.

Guidelines for dynamic functioning of IQAC

  1. One of the senior faculty will be appointed as IQAC coordinator for the period 3 years and may be extended for one more period by principal.
  2. IQAC of the college is constituted as per the NAAC guidelines.
  3. IQAC meeting with all the internal and external members is organised thrice or quarterly for an academic year. The presence of minimum 75% of members is required the quorum of IQAC meeting.
  4. Based on the feedback by stakeholders IQAC prepares the agenda and place before the meeting. The resolution passed by the IQAC are implemented as action plans of the concerned departments/ committees of the college. Action taken report will be discussed and approved in next IQAC meeting.
  5. All the feedback formats and Institutional calendar of academic events is designed by the IQAC office by considering the inputs from all the departments.
  6. IQAC sets the quality benchmarks/ parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the instit
  7. IQAC with proper initiations, action plan and monitoring mechanism addresses all the observations made by the NAAC, Governing Council, Local Governing Body, Management and governments.


Revised IQAC Composition for the Academic Year 2022-23

Sl. No.Name of the FaultyDesignationContact No.
1.Dr. Arunkumar B. Sonappanavar

IQAC Chairperson


2.Smt. Chaya M.R.Member8277110133
3.Dr. Suresha K. C.Member9980621632
4.Dr. Jayashree C. KambarMember9844066848
5.Sri. Shivkumar M. SajjanMember9901037528
6.Sri. Yogesh Kumar A.B.Member9742451429
7.Smt. Savita S. PatagundiMember9880636426
8.Sri. Sujay Sindhey S.Member7795356334
9.Dr. J. M. MallikarjunaiahManagement Representative9845427443
10.Sri. Satish R.I/c. Office Superintendent9880969165
11.Dr. M. B. Heggannavar, KPSC, BengaluruKPSC Member9008940884
12.Dr. R. K. Chandranath, Syndicate Member, Bengaluru City University, BengaluruLocal Society9448879797
13.Sri. Ananth Athryas N.Student9738282884
14.CA Rakshith ChakravarthiAlumnus7676097065
15.Sri. R. K. ReddyIndustrialist9945685775
16.Sri. Prasanna BediEmployer9916258749
17.Sri. Jetendar P. Maniar,
Media Professionalist
Stake Holder9945955110
18.Dr. Srikanta B. S. Director, Board of Management, Sindhi College, BengaluruLocal Society9844143944
19.Sri. Rajeev R. PotadarAssistant IQAC Coordinator9900970857
20.Sri. Chandrashekarappa A.S.IQAC Coordinator9845148987
Quality Assurance Policy Link

Internal Quality Assurance Cell – Composition, Meetings – Notice, Agenda, Resolutions and ATR

Meetings, Resolutions & ATRLinkLinkLinkLinkLink
Year 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
Link Link Link Link Link Link
1.      Feedback analysis report submitted to appropriate bodies
Year 2023-24 2022-23
Links Link Link
2.      At least 4 filled feedback forms from different stakeholders like Students, Teachers, Employers, Alumni
Year 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
Links Link Link Link Link Link Link
3.      Feedback analysis Report from all stake holders with graph
Year 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
Links Link Link Link Link Link Link
4.      Action taken report on the feedback analysis
Year 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
Links Link Link Link Link Link Link

Energy, Environment & Green Audit Reports

2022-23 Internal Audit Link
2018-19 to 2022-23 External AuditLink


2(f) and 12(B) Certificate Link
CPE Phase – I Sanction LettersLink
CPE Phase – II Sanction LettersLink


& Grant Settlement Letters



UGS STRIDE Component – I Sanction Letters

& Utilization Certificate



UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific ResearchLink




ISO 9001:2015Link






Funding for Student Project – 46th Series: Year


Institutional Innovation Council Establishment CertificateLink
Rating CertificateLink
IIC Appreciation LetterLink
IIC OVERALL Activity ReportLink


Certificate of Registration for Yuva Tourism Club under Ministry of tourism Government of IndiaLink

Academic And Administrative Audit Reports

Action Taken Reports On The Recommendations Given By The AAA External Committee

Click This: ATR Link

Vision 2030Link
1.UGC UndertakingDownload
2.NAAC Accreditation Certificate of 3 rd CycleDownload
3.UGC 2(f) and 12(B) CertificateDownload
4.IIQA DeclarationUGC 2(f) and 12(B) Letter Download

BCU Affiliation Letter <a href="
” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>Download

Self Declaration <a href="
” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>Download
5.SC ST Welfare CellDownload
6.Minority CellDownload
7.Grievance Redressal CommitteeDownload
8.Internal Compliant CommitteeDownload
9.Anti-Ragging CommitteeDownload
10.OBC CellDownload
11.Anti-Sexual Harassment CellDownload
12.Policy For Differently – Abled (Divyangjan) Friendly EnvironmentDownload
13.HR Policy with AnnexuresDownload
14.e-Governance PolicyDownload
15.IT PolicyDownload
16.Admission Policy and ProcedureDownload
17.Code of Professional EthicsDownload
18.Policy For Resource Mobilization and Optimum Utilization of ResourcesDownload
19.Research Cell PolicyDownload
20.The Green Campus, Energy and Environment PolicyDownload
21.Service Rules – KLE SocietyDownload
22.RTI – Statutory Declaration under Section 4(1) (b) of the RTI Act, 2005KLESNC-RTI Declaration Download

UGC RTI Act & Rules Download

Amendment Act 2020 Download

Amendment Act 2021 Download