Institution Innovation Council
Purpose of IIC
IICs’ role is to engage a large number of faculty, students, and staff in various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities such as Ideation, Problem-solving, Proof of Concept development, Design Thinking, IPR, project handling, and management at the Pre-incubation/Incubation center. It ensures that the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem gets established and stabilized in HEIs.
The IIC model is designed to address the existing challenges/issues in HEIs such as fewer numbers, occasional and unplanned Innovation & Entrepreneurship (I&E) activities organized in HEIs with low involvement of top leadership, lack of coherence, and absence of synergy in resource mobilization, deployment and underutilization of creative potential of youths as a major barrier for vibrant I&E ecosystem to emerge from HEIs.
Council Composition – 2023-24
Sl. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Key Role / Position | Qualification |
1 | Dr. Arunkumar B. Sonappanavar | Principal | President | MSc., SET, PhD |
2 | Sri. Chandrashekarappa A.S. | IQAC Coordinator | Vice-President | MSc. |
3 | Sri. Rajeev R. Potadar | Asst. Professor, Biotechnology | Convener | MSc., MPhil |
4 | Dr. Suresha K.C. | Asst. Professor, Kannada | AISHE Coordinator | M.A., NET, Ph.D. |
5 | Dr. Jayashreee C. Kambar | Asst. Professor, English | NIRF Coordinator | MA., PhD |
6 | Smt. Roopa H.R. | Asst. Professor, BCA | Internship Coordinator | MCA |
7 | Dr. Prathibha K.S. | Asst. Professor, Biotechnology | IPR & Patent Activity Coordinator | MSc., BEd |
8 | Sri. Shivakumar M. Sajjan | Asst. Professor, Commerce | NSDC Coordinator | MCom, BEd |
9 | Dr. Suhasini L. Kudupali | Asst. Professor, Zoology | ARIIA Coordinator | MSc., PhD |
10 | Dr. Rajalakshmi G.S. | Asst. Professor, PG Commerce | Start-up Activity Coordinator | MCom, PhD |
11 | Dr. Mahesh H.M. | Asst. Professor, Botany | NISP Coordinator | MSc., MPhil., PhD |
12 | Dr. Venkatalakshmi K. | Asst. Professor, PG Commerce | Innovation Activity Coordinator | MCom, PhD |
13 | Smt. Savita Patagundi | Coordinator, FAD | Member | MSc. Textiles & Clothing |
14 | Dr. Roopashree Hosamath | Asst. Professor, Hindi | Member | M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. |
15 | Smt. Poornima Samaje | Asst. Professor, Mathematics | Member | M.Sc., B.Ed |
16 | Sri. Venkatesh T.K. | Asst. Professor, Kannada | Member | M.A., NET |
17 | Dr. Suhasini B.S. | Asst. Professor, English | Member | MA., PhD |
18 | Smt. Hepzina T. | Asst. Professor, BHM | Member | M.H.M., M.Sc.HTM |
19 | Sri. Amalan E. | Asst. Professor, TTM | Member | MTTM, MBA |
20 | Smt. Ashwini Murthy | Asst. Professor, BBA | Member | MBA., BEd (HR) |
21 | Ms. Vinitha A.S. | Asst. Professor, Journalism | Social media Coordinator | MA |
22 | Dr. Seema Pattanshetti | Asst. Professor, Chemistry | Member | MSc., PhD |
23 | Dr. Teja H. B. | Asst. Professor, Chemistry | Member | M.Sc., Ph.D. |