- POs, Cos and PSOs
Year of Establishment:
Affiliated to:
Bengaluru City University
Head of the department:
Prof. Chandrashekharappa A. S.
M.Sc. (2013-14).
(Semester and CBCS Scheme effective from 2014).
Objectives of the department
- To enhance the students logical, reasoning, analytical and problem solving skills.
- Training the students to face the challenging trends of the day.
- Inculcating aptitude for research in Mathematics.
Postgraduate Programme:
Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Mathematics
50% in B.Sc with Mathematics as one subject.
Course design:
Two years are spread over four semesters with Odd and Even semester examination.
Departmental Library | |
Books in the Department library | 637 |
Algebra | 87 |
Complex analysis | 76 |
Differential Equations | 58 |
Differential and Integral Calculus | 41 |
Numerical Analysis | 34 |
Topology | 15 |
Vector Calculus | 21 |
Fluid Dynamics | 19 |
Faculty denoted Books | 198 |
Other (Discrete Mathematics, Differential Geometry etc.,) | |
e-Journals | |
Student Enrolment – PG
Year | Number of seats sanctioned | Male | Female | Number of Students admitted |
2017-18 | 20 | 04 | 12 | 16 |
2018-19 | 06 | 11 | 17 | |
2019-20 | 03 | 07 | 10 | |
2020-21 | 07 | 07 | 14 | |
2021-22 | 01 | 09 | 10 | |
2022-23 | 02 | 11 | 13 |
Rank Holders

1st Rank in M.Sc
Sahana C
Reg.No. MT190807

2nd Rank in M.Sc
Vidhyashree M.T
Reg.No. MT190809

3rd Rank in M.Sc
Reg.No. MT190807
Post Graduate
Year | Program Name | Number of students appeared in the final year examination | Number of students passed in final year examination | % | Average pass % |
2018-19 | M.SC. | 14 | 12 | 86 | 89 |
2019-20 | 15 | 12 | 80 | ||
2020-21 | 10 | 09 | 90 | ||
2021-22 | 13 | 13 | 100 |
Title of the Paper: M101T- Algebra-I
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define Groups and Rings
- Solve the Theorems on Groups and find the difference between Groups and Rings
- Solve the problems and Theorems on Rings
- Student will familiar with the Techniques of permutations.
Title of the Paper: M102T- Real Analysis
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define Convergent and divergent sequences
- Solve the Problems on convergent and divergent problems
- Solve the Theorems on Riemann stelije’s problems
- Student will familiar with the difference of Convergent and divergent.
Title of the Paper: M103T-Topology-I
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to topological spaces
- Acquire the knowledge on Metric space and difference of Metric and topological spaces
- Solve theorems on Fixed point theorem
- And applications regarding topology in daily life
Title of the Paper: M104T- Ordinary Differential Equation
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define the differential equations
- Acquire the knowledge on partial and Ordinary differential equations
- Solve the problems on Homogeneous and Non homogeneous equations
- And applications regarding calculus in daily life
Title of the Paper: M105T-Discrete Mathematics
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define the Graph theory
- Acquire the knowledge on discrete Mathematics and solve the different Theorems on it
- Solve different problems on recurrence relations
- And applications regarding discrete mathematics in daily life
Title of the Paper: M106P-Maxima Practicals based on M105T
Course Outcomes:
- Learn the Maxima Programming Language
- Learn the different programmes to solve on Maxima
- Acquire the knowledge reagrading programming to solve by Maxima.
- Gain the knowledge how to apply Maxima in other programming language.
Title of the Paper: M107SC-Mathematical Analysis
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define Mathematical Analysis
- Acquire the knowledge mathematical knowledge on Analysis
- Solve different problems
- And applications regarding mathematical Analysis in daily life
Title of the Paper: M201T- Algebra-II
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define Rings and Field theory.
- Solve the Theorems on Rings and Fields and find the difference between Fields and Rings
- Solve the problems and Theorems on Notherian and artinians and fields.
- Student will familiar with the Techniques of polynomial rings.
Title of the Paper: M202T- Complex Analysis
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define complex plane
- Solve the Problems on Analytic function and Hormonic Functions
- Solve the Theorems on Convex functions and Entire functions
- Student will familiar with the Mean value theorem,Poisson formulae.
Title of the Paper: M203T- Topology-II
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to topological spaces
- Acquire the knowledge on Metric space and difference of Metric and topological spaces
- Solve theorems T1 space T0 spaces and differences on them
- Gain the knowledge regarding compact sets and theorems on.
- And applications regarding topology in daily life
Title of the Paper: M204T- Partial Differential Equations
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define Partial differential Equations.
- Able to differentiate between ODE and PDE
- Acquire the knowledge on partial and Ordinary differential equations
- Solve the problems on Wave ,Laplace, Heat and different forms of Equations
- And applications regarding calculus in daily life
Title of the Paper: M205T- Numerical Analysis-I
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define Solutions of Linear and nonlinear forms of NA.
- Acquire the knowledge Gauss equations Gausssiedel Equations Interpolation Methods
- Learn to find problems on different types of Interpolations Numerical Integration.
- Solve different problems on multiple constant and Gaussian Quadrature
- And applications regarding Numerical Analysis in daily life
Title of the Paper: M206P-Scilab Practical’s based on M205T
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define SciLab as programming languages
- Acquire the knowledge to write the programme on Fixed-point iterative method , Ramanujan method etc
- Solve different problems cubic Spline interpolation method
- And applications Sci Lab in programming in software filed.
Title of the Paper: M207SC- Elementary Number Theory
Course Outcomes:
- Learn the define the Elementary Number theory.
- Learn the solve the problems on divisibility and primes
- Acquirethe knowledge congruenceLagrange’stheorem, Residue theorem.
- Gain the knowledge to solve Fermat and Messene primes
- And applications regarding Elementary number theory in daily life
Title of the Paper: M301T- Linear Algebra
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define VECTER SPACES and canonical forms of spaces
- Solve the Theorems on Minimal polynomials and a transformations
- Solve the problems on characteristic polynomials.
- Student will familiar with the Techniques of transition matrix, Diagonizibilty
Title of the Paper: M302T- Functional Analysis
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define Normed linear spaces and conjugate part of Vector spaces
- Solve the Problems on linear functions and equations on conjugate spaces
- Able to write formulae for Hilbert spaces and orthogonally.
- Solve the Theorems on inner product spaces
- Student will familiar with the terms spectral theorem.
Title of the Paper: M303T- Differential Geometry
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define Euclidian space calculus of surfaces
- Acquire the knowledge on shape operators normal section and all
- Solve theorems on Frenet formula approximation curves
- And applications regarding Geodesics and minimal curvature things in daily life
Title of the Paper: M304T- Fluid Mechanics
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define Coordinatetransformations in tensor analysis
- Acquire the knowledge of fluid mechanics, statics and viscous and steady flow
- Solve the problems on two dimensional flow on in viscous fluids
- Learn the differences between viscous non viscous fluids and uniform motions
- To learn the Navier-stokes equations and theorems on it
- And applications regarding circulations and ThomasMilne circle theorem
Title of the Paper: M305T- Numerical Analysis-II
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define Numerical analysis on ODE
- Acquire the knowledge Picard’s and RK method solutions and methods
- Solve different problems Numerical solutions for PDE and Hyperbolic Equations
- And applications regarding Frankel Crank method in daily life
Title of the Paper: M306P-ScilabPractical’s based on M305T
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define SciLab as programming languages
- Acquire the knowledge to write the programme on RK method Shooting Method etc
- Solve different problems Adams predictor method
- And applications Sci Lab in programming in software filed.
Title of the Paper: M307OE-EVS
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define Optional elective subjects
- To find knowledge of other subjects other than maths
- Acquire the Solid Chemistry Solve different problems
Title of the Paper: M401T- Measure and Integration
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define Alebra of Sets, sigma Algebra etc.
- Solve the Theorems on Lebesgue Outer measure, Translation invariance etc.
- Solve the problems and Theorems on limit inferior and limit superioretc.
- Student will familiar with theFatou’s Lemma Vitali Coverings etc.
Title of the Paper: M402T- Mathematical Methods
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define integral Transforms, Fourier Transforms.
- Solve the Problems on Asymptotic expansions, perturbation Methods.
- Solve the Theorems on Neumann’s series, resolvant kernel
- Student will familiar with the Duffings equations ,Reynolds Number
Title of the Paper: M403T A- Riemannian geometry
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define Differentiable manifolds, Differentiable structures.
- Acquire the knowledge on Smooth maps and diffeomorphism.
- Solve theorems on pull back functions, Tensor Fields and their components.
- Gain the knowledge regarding Riemannian Metric.
- And applications regarding Riemannian geometry.
Title of the Paper: M403T C- Entire and Meromorphic functions
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define basic properties of entire functions.
- Acquire the knowledge about Asymptotic Values and Asymptotic Curves.
- Learn to find the relation between Deficiet Values and and various Exceptional Values.
- Solve theorems on Carton’s Identity.
- And applications regarding Nevanlinna’s Second Fundamental theorem.
Title of the Paper: M403T D-Magnetohydrodynamics
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define Electrostatics and electromagnetic units.
- Acquire the knowledge of Basic equations of MHD.
- Gain the knowledge on Classical Mechanics.
- Solve the problems on Bernoulli’s equation.
- And learn about the flow problem.
Title of the Paper: M403TG- Graph Theory
Course Outcomes:
- Learn to define basic definitions of Graph Theory.
- Learn the solve the problems on Planarity of the Graphs.
- Acquire the knowledgeMenger’stheorem Havel-Hakemi Algorithm.
- Gain the knowledge to Matchings and factorization
Sl. No | Date | Particulars |
1 | 02-07-2018 | Commencement of UG classes |
2 | 09-07-2018 | Orientation program |
3 | 19-07-2018 | Issue of Lab Manual |
4 | 01-07-2018 | Issue of student work book |
5 | 03-08-2018 | Notification for certificate course |
6 | 08-08-2018 | Student project |
7 | 16-08-2018 | Interclass Quiz competition |
8 | 21-08-2018 | Commencement of Certificate course |
9 | 01-09-2018 | Extension activities |
10 | 05-09-2018 | Inhouse student seminar competition |
11 | 13-09-2018 | Remedial classes for slow learners |
12 | 27-09-2018 | Remedial classes for slow learners |
13 | 10-10-2018 | State level seminar |
14 | 12-10-2018 | Student project |
15 | 16-10-2018 | Mock practical test |
16 | 25-10-2018 | University Mathematics practical exams |
17 | 09-11-2018 | Science Exhibition |
18 | 16-07-2018 | Date of reporting of teachers (PG) |
19 | 23-07-2018 | Commencement of class for III semester students (PG) |
20 | 01-08-2018 | Staff meeting with the Principal to discuss about general Time-table & other academic activities |
21 | 28-08-2018 | Commencement of class for I semester students |
22 | 15-08-2018 | Independence Day celebtation |
23 | 05-09-2018 | Teacher’s day celebration |
24 | 02-10-2018 | Gandhi Jayanthi Celebration |
25 | 27-11-2018 | Last working day for III semester students |
26 | 12-12-2018 | Last working day for I Semester students |
27 | 26-11-2018 | Submission of internal marks for III Semester students |
28 | 11-12-2018 | Submission of internal marks for I Semester students |
even sem PG & UG | ||
1 | 03-01-2019 | Dispaly of Teaching Plan and Time table |
2 | 09-01-2019 | Ramanujan Day Celebration |
3 | 18-01-2019 | Issue of Lab Manual |
4 | 24-01-2019 | Issue of student work book |
5 | 01-02-2019 | Student project |
6 | 04-02-2019 | Date of reporting of teachers |
7 | 05-02-2019 | Commencement of classes for IV semester students |
8 | 05-02-2019 | Commencement of classes for II semester students |
9 | 05-02-2019 | Commencement of class for IV semester students |
10 | 05-02-2019 | Commencement of class for II semester students |
11 | 08-02-2019 | Ceretificate Course Exam |
12 | 14-02-2019 | Internal tests |
13 | 22-02-2019 | Student seminars |
14 | 22-02-2019 | BU Mathematics Practical Exams |
15 | 28-02-2019 | National Science Day Celebration |
16 | 01-03-2019 | National Seminar\Webinar |
17 | 06-03-2019 | Lecture Compitation |
18 | 14-03-2019 | PI- Day Celebration |
19 | 21-03-2019 | Remedial classes for slow learners |
20 | 05-04-2019 | Inhouse student seminar competition |
21 | 10-04-2019 | Student project |
22 | 18-04-2019 | Peer Tutorial |
23 | 25-04-2019 | Peer Tutorial |
24 | 03-05-2019 | Remedial classes for slow learners |
25 | 08-05-2019 | Internal Assesment |
26 | 17-05-2019 | Mock Practical Test |
27 | 08-06-2019 | Last working day for IV semester students |
28 | 08-06-2019 | Last working day for II Semester students |
29 | 09-06-2019 | Submission of internal marks for IV Semester students |
30 | 09-06-2019 | Submission of internal marks for II Semester students |
31 | 22-07-2019 | Commencement of classes for III semester students |
32 | 28-08-2019 | Commencement of classes for I semester students |
33 | 01-12-2018 to 08-12-2018 | Preparatory holidays for III Semester students |
34 | 07-01-2019 to 02-02-2018 | Vacation for teachers |
35 | 07-01-2019 to 12-01-2019 | Preparatory holidays for I Semester students |
36 | 10-06-2019 to 13-07-2019 | Vacation for teachers |
37 | 10-06-2019 to 14-06-2019 | Preparatory holidays for IV Semester students |
38 | 10-06-2019 to 14-06-2019 | Preparatory holidays for II Semester students |
39 | 10-12-2018 to 22-12-2018 | Theory and practical exams for III semester students |
40 | 15-01-2019 to 25-01-2019 | Theory and practical exams for I semester students |
41 | 17-06-2019 to 29-06-2019 | Theory and practical exams for IV semester students |
42 | 17-06-2019 to 29-06-2019 | Theory and practical exams for II semester students |
2019-20 odd sem UG and PG | ||
1 | 04-07-2019 | Issue of Student Manual |
2 | 03-08-2019 | Co-ordinators meeting with the Principal to discuss about the Calendar of Events |
3 | for the current semester | |
4 | 08-08-2019 | Inauguration of “Ramanujanclub”. |
5 | 10-08-2019 | Date of reporting of teachers -PG |
6 | 15-08-2019 | Independence Day celebtation |
7 | 19-08-2019 | Commencement of class for III semester students |
8 | 23-08-2019 | Interactive workshop on “Linear Algebra” |
9 | 26-08-2019 | Commencement of class for I semester students |
10 | 05-09-2019 | Teacher’s day celebration |
11 | 12-09-2019 | Commencement of Certificate course on “Introduction to Latex and Latex Beamer” |
12 | 20-09-2019 | Extension activities |
13 | 25-09-2019 | Student Projects |
14 | 02-10-2019 | Gandhi Jayanthi Celebration |
15 | 08-10-2019 | Technical Talk on “Graph Theory” |
16 | 22-10-2019 | Commencement of Value addition course On “Vedic Mathematics” |
17 | 24-10-2019 | 1st Internal test -PG |
18 | 05-12-2019 | 2nd Internal test -PG |
19 | 20-12-2019 | Submission of internal marks for III Semester students |
20 | 20-12-2019 | Submission of internal marks for I Semester students |
21 | 20-12-2019 | Last working day |
22 | 21-12-2019 to 31-12-2019 | Preparatory holidays for students |
23 | 20-12-2019 to 24-01-2020 | Vacation for teachers |
24 | 02-01-2020 to 17-01-2020 | Theory and practical exams |
25 | 18-01-2020 to 30-01-2020 | Valuation of semester examination |
26 | 01-02-2020 | Commencement of classes |
2019-20 Even sem UG and PG | ||
04-01-2020 | Talk On “Ramanujan Numbers”, | |
Birth Anniversary celebration of Ramanujam. | ||
11-01-2020 | National Seminar on “Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences” | |
18-01-2020 | Inter Class Competitions Quiz,/Pick and Speech,/ Lecture Competitions |
2020-21 – ODD | ||
Sl. No | Date | Particulars |
1 | 02-09-2020 | Commencement of UG classes |
2 | 04-09-2020 | Commencement of PG classes |
3 | 15-09-2020 | Issue Of Student Manual |
4 | 18-09-2020 | Class in house seminar |
5 | 03-10-2020 | Notification for certificate course- 2020-21 |
6 | 05-10-2020 | Inaguration of Mathematics club. |
7 | 19-10-2020 | Student projects -UG |
8 | 22-10-2020 | Student projects-PG |
9 | 29-10-2020 | Commencement of Certificate course on “Introduction to Latex” |
10 | 30-10-2020 | Class in house seminar-PG |
11 | 03-11-2020 | National Seminar |
12 | 12-11-2020 | Commencement of Value added course on “Vedic Mathematics” |
13 | 13-11-2020 | Class in house seminar |
14 | 20-11-2020 | Extension activities |
15 | 27-11-2020 | Remidial classes for slow learners-UG |
16 | 27-11-2020 | Remidial classes for slow learners-PG |
17 | 01-12-2020 | Class in house seminar-PG |
18 | 07-12-2020 | Mock practical test-UG |
19 | 10-12-2020 | Mock practical test-PG |
20 | 14-12-2020 | BCU Mathematics practical exams |
21 | 15-12-2020 | BCU Mathematics practical exams |
15 | 20-12-2020 | UG final exams |
16 | 24-12-2020 | PG final exams |
Even sem | ||
17 | 15-01-2021 | Commencement of UG classes |
18 | 16-01-2021 | Commencement of PG classes |
19 | 17-01-2021 | Quiz |
20 | 30-01-2021 | Guest Lecture |
21 | 01-02-2021 | Notification for in house seminar-UG |
22 | 02-02-2021 | Notification for in house seminar-PG |
23 | 08-02-2021 | National Seminar |
24 | 17-02-2021 | Student seminar-UG |
25 | 18-02-2021 | Student seminar (Inter- class)-PG |
26 | 20-02-2021 | Class in house seminar-PG |
27 | 23-02-2021 | Remidial classes for slow learners-UG |
28 | 24-02-2021 | Remidial classes for slow learners-PG |
29 | 02-03-2021 | Class in house seminar-PG |
30 | 05-03-2021 | Mock practical test |
31 | 07-03-2021 | Mock practical test |
32 | 08-04-2021 | BCU Mathematics practical exams |
33 | 09-04-2021 | BCU Mathematics practical exams |
34 | 19-04-2021 | UG final exams |
35 | 23-04-2021 | PG final exams |
03-11-2022 | 2nd Internal assesment |
10-11-2022 | BCU practical Examinations |
19-11-2022 | BCU thoey II sem Examination |
02-12-2022 | Commencement of UG classes |
09-12-2022 | BCU practical Examinations |
20-12-2022 | Ramanujan Day celebration |
26-12-2022 | Commencement of PG classes |
29-12-2022 | Intercollegiate-Science Exhibition |
03-01-2023 | Student seminar-PG |
12-01-2023 | Student Activity (seminars |
16-01-2023 | Class in house seminar |
27-01-2023 | Internal assesment |
02-02-2023 | National Seminar |
07-02-2023 | Class in house seminar-PG |
08-02-2023 | Students study Holidays |
09-02-2023 | Extension activities |
17-02-2023 | Interactive Workshop |
24-02-2023 | . Mock practical test-UG |
02-03-2023 | . Mock practical test-PG |
15-03-2023 | BCU Theory Mathematics exams.-UG |
25-04-2023 | BCU Mathematics practical exams-UG |
27-05-2023 | BCU Theory Mathematics exams.-PG |
04-06-2023 | BCU Mathematics practical exams-PG |
03-04-2023 | Commencement of UG classes |
15-04-2023 | Issue Of Student Manual |
18-04-2023 | Class in house seminar |
03-05-2023 | Notification for certificate course- 2022-23 |
05-05-2023 | Inaguration of Mathematics club. |
19-05-2023 | Student projects -UG |
22-05-2023 | Student projects |
29-05-2023 | Commencement of Certificate course on “Introduction to Latex” |
30-05-2023 | Class in house seminar-UG |
01-06-2023 | Commencement of PG classes |
03-06-2023 | National Seminar |
12-06-2023 | Commencement of Value added course on “Vedic Mathematics” |
13-06-2023 | Class in house seminar-PG |
20-06-2023 | Extension activities |
27-06-2023 | Remidial classes for slow learners-UG |
27-06-2023 | Remidial classes for slow learners-PG |
01-07-2023 | Class in house seminar-PG |
07-07-2023 | Mock practical test-UG |
10-07-2023 | Mock practical test-PG |
30-09-2023 | UG final exams |
04-10-2023 | BCU Mathematics practical exams |
09-10-2023 | PG final exams |
26-10-2023 | BCU Mathematics practical exams |
Sl.No | Event | Topic | Date | Beneficiary |
01 | State level Seminar | Number Theory , Applied Mathematics in Image Processing, Ordinary Differential equations, Differential Geometry | 10-10-2018 | 88 Students from 29 colleges across the state |
02 | Science Exhibition | To Promote Mathematics | 09-11-2018 | 1550 students from different Colleges and schools |
03 | National Pi day PPT Presentation | Significance of Pi | 14-03-2019 | 30 students Participated |
Sl.No | Event | Topic | Date | Beneficiary |
01 | Science Exhibition | To make aware of Mathematical Formulae & Concepts | 30-08-2019 | 1200 students from Bangalore North Schools & Colleges |
02 | Interactive Workshop | Application of Linear Algebra | 31-08-2019 | 133 UG & PG students |
03 | Extension Activity | Explore the Logical Reasoning Analytical & Problem Solving Skills | 06-09-2019 | More than 230 Students of government high schools Honnganhatti ,Magadi road Bangalore Rural |
04 | Extension Activity | Learning Mathematics through FOSS Tools | 22-12-2019 | 125 High school students of North Bangalore |
05 | Lecture Competition | Achievements of Women in various Science fields | 07-02-2020 | 14 Participants from different Departments |
06 | National Pi day PPT Presentation | Facts of Pi | 14-03-2020 | 30 Students Participated |
Sl.No | Event | Topic | Date | Beneficiary |
01 | E-Quiz Competition | Basics of Mathematics | 15-07-2020 | 66 students of UG & PG |
02 | Ramanujan Day PPT Presentation | Ramanujan Numbers | 21-06-2020 | 83 UG & PG students |
03 | National webinar on mathematical modeling in transdisciplinary research on basic science | Pedestrian crowd dynamics models & Numeric, Differntial Geometry,Mathematics in Computational Biology & Metabolomics | 26th &27th August 2020 | 210 staffs & research Scholars,Academicians & Students. |
04 | National Pi day PPT Presentation | Applications of Pi | 14-03-2021 | 30 Students Participated |
Sl.No | Event | Topic | Date | Beneficiary |
01 | Power Point Competition | “ The world of Mathematics Around Us” | 20 -06-2021 | 160 students are enrolled, 60 ppts are consider for assessment |
02 | Two Days National Webinar | “TRANS-DISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES ON APPLIED COMPLEX ANALYSIS” | 2nd & 3rd September,2021 . | 255 Staff, Research Scholars, Academicians & Students 09 Papers were presented out of 22 received |
04 | National Science Day Lecture Competition | Integrated approach in S&T for Sustainable Future | 28-02-2022 | 30 Students Participated |
05 | National Pi day Online PPT Presentation | Importance of Pi | 14-03-2022 | 22 Students Participated |
Sl.No | Event | Topic | Date | Beneficiary |
01 | Interactive Workshop | Why do we use Mathematics | 24-08-2022 | 100 UG & PG students |
02 | Interactive Workshop | SQL & PSQL | 10-12-2022 | 80 UG & PG students |
03 | Science Exhibition | To Promote Mathematics | 15-12-2022 | 1550 students of different colleges &Schools |
04 | National Mathematics day PPT Presentation& Poster Presentation | Srinivasa Ramanujan “A genius in the world of Mathematics” | 27-12-2022 | 22 Students Participated |
05 | Extension Activity | Presenting the Mathematical models | 20-02-2023 | 104 Students of government high school,Ganakallu |
06 | National Science day Lecture Competition | Global Science of Global Wellbeing | 23-02-2023 | 35 students Participated |
07 | Interactive Workshop | Heat Transfer through Fin-An application of Mathematics | 08-07-2023 | 80 UG & PG students |
08 | Interactive Workshop | Linear Algebra in Combinatorics | 13-07-2023 | 80 UG & PG students |
Faculty Publications – 09 | ||||
Publications | Number | Impact Factor Range | ISSN | Research area |
International | 09 | 0.826-7.076 | ISSN 1085-1094 ISSN 2278-8697 ISSN 2321-9653 ISSN 2229-5046 ISSN\ 2090 -388X ISSN 2278-8697 ISSN 0973-3329 ISSN: 2789-7206 | General Topology Boundary value Problems Fluid Mechanics Differential Geometry |
Faculty Presented and published – 02 | |||
Publications | Number | ISBN | Research area |
National | 02 | ISBN: 978-5493-07-311-3 | Impact of Covid-19 Crisis |
Student Paper Presentation -03 | |||
Publications | Number | ISSN/ ISBN | Research area |
National | 03 | 978-93-5437-830-0 | Applied Mathematics |
Minor Research project
- Name of Principal Investigator : Dr. T. V. Karnakumar
- Duration of Project : 1.5 years
- Name of the research project : Analytical and numerical study of Marangoni convection in a fluid layer under the influence of surface deflection and magnetic field
- Amount/Fund received : Rs. 50,000/-
- Name of funding agency :UGC-STRIDE
- Year of sanction : 2021
Proposal for UGC-STRIDE Projects -03 Major-01, Minor-02 |
Sl.No. | Level | Principal Investigator | Title | Amount in Rupees |
1 | Major | Karnakumar.T.V | Benard- Marangoni Convection(BMC) | 33,54,000 |
2 | Minor | Chandrashekarappa.A.S | Some Studies In Point-Set Topology | 2,20,000 |
3 | Minor | Manjula.k | Studies on discrete vector calculus by using graph structure | 2,59,000 |
Research Publications in UGC care Journals -09
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISSN number |
On complete network measure manifold | Dr Akshata Kengangutti | Globle Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | 2016-17 | ISSN 1085-1094 |
Numaricsal Study of double Diffusive Benard -Marangoni conventions in Newtonian Liquids in the presence of heat source and Magnetic field with deformable free upper surface by shooting method | Karnakumar T.V | Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal | 2017-18 | ISSN 2278-8697 |
Solving Boundary Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations by using Meclaurin Series | Sudha Hegde | International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology | 2017-18 | ISSN 2321-9653 |
Extension of Urysohn’s Lemma on Measure Manifold with Additional Conditions | Dr Akshata Kengangutti | International Journal of Mathematical Archive | 2017-18 | ISSN 2229-5046 |
A Study of measurable Hausdorff, regular and normal properties on the measure manifold | Dr Akshata Kengangutti | Journal of Advanced Studies in Topology | 2017-18 | ISSN 2090 -388X |
linear stability analysis of convection of Benard-Marangoni in Newtonian fluids with magnetic field and heat source. | Karnakumar T.V | Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal | 2018-19 | ISSN 2278-8697 |
PRE-gspr-CONTINUOUS FUNCTIONS IN TOPOLOGY | Chandrashekharappa AS | Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd | 2020-21 | ISSN 0973-3329 |
UNIQUENESS PROBLEMS ON L-FUNCTIONS CONCERNING WITH WEIGHTED SHARING OF DIFFERENCE-DIFFERENTIAL POLYNOMIALS | Dr. Karnakumar T.V Mr.Nagarjun v Mr.Girish sharma | Annals of Mathematics and Computer Science | 2021-22 | ISSN: 2789-7206 |
Research Publications Proceedings -02
Sl. No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the paper | Title of the proceedings of the conference | National / International | ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding | Affiliating Institute at the time of publication | Name of the publisher |
1 | Dr Karnakumar T V | Time to be Vocal for Local: Uplift Indian Economy post Covid-19 Crisis | National Webinar Proceedings | Impact of nCovid-19 on higher education Trans-Disciplinary Research & Employability | National Webinar | ISBN: 978-5493-07-311-3 | KLE’s S. Nijalingappa College |
2 | Smt. K Manjula | Agri-Preneurship in India during Covid-19 | National Webinar Proceedings | Impact of nCovid-19 on higher education Trans-Disciplinary Research & Employability | National Webinar | ISBN: 978-5493-07-311-3 | KLE’s S. Nijalingappa College |
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Sl. No | Eminent Persons and their designation |
01 | Dr. R. Vittal Rao CEDT, IISc., Bangalore. |
02 | Dr. A.S Vasudeva Murthy ,Professor, TIFR-CAM, Bangalore |
03 | Dr. S Balachandra Rao , Hon. Director, Gandhi Centre of Science and Human values, Bangalore |
04 | Dr. V.Lakshmana Gomathi Nayagam ,NIT Trichy, Tamil Nadu. |
05 | Dr. Pradeep G Siddheshwar, Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Bangalore University, Bangalore. |
06 | Dr. Medha Itagi Huilgol, Professor, Department of Mathematics , Bangalore University, Bangalore. |
07 | Dr. A.K Nanadakumaran , IISc, Bangalore |
08 | Dr. M.S Mahadev Naik, Chairman, Department of Mathematics, BCU, Bangalore |
09 | Dr. G.D Veerappa Gowda, Professor, TIFR-CAM, Bangalore |
10 | Dr. Vamsi Pritham Pingali, IISc, Bangalore |
11 | Dr. H.G Nagaraj, Professor, Department of Mathematics, BU, Bangalore. |
12 | Dr. S. Sundar, Head, Dept of Mathematics, IIT Madras, Chennai |
13 | Dr. S. Balaji, Associate Professor, MIT, Manipal |
14 | Dr. Abhijit Banerjee , Professor, University of Kalyani, West Bengal |
15 | Dr. Bappadithya Bhowmik, Professor, IIT Kharagpur |
16 | Dr. Arul Joseph, Assistant Professor, SRMIST, Tamil Nadu |
17 | Dr. Girish M. Sajjanshettar, Professor, MIT Manipal |
18 | Dr. Mahesh K. Bhat, Associate Professor, SDM Honnavar |
19 | Dr.S N Omkar ,Chief research Scientist ,Department of Aerospoace Engneering, IISC Bangalore |
20 | Dr.Karthik Adhimurti Professor,Reader,TIFR-CAM ,Bangalore |
21 | Dr.Byra Reddy,Technical Coordinator,Havanayukktha Solutions, Bangalore |
22 | Dr.Sowmya G Assistant Professor,Ramaih Institute of Technology, Bangalore |
23 | Dr.Koushik Ramachandran,Reader, TIFR-CAM ,Bangalore |