Computer Applications (MCA)

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The KLEMCA was established in the year 2000. It was inaugurated by Shri. Siddappa, Vice Chancellor, Bangalore University, Bangalore on 24-01-2000.The Course is approved by AICTE and affiliated to Bangalore University having an intake capacity of 40 students. 50% of the intake is through government quota(PGCET) and the remaining 50% through KMAT. The duration of the study is four semester spanning a period of two years.


“Empowering through Quality Technical education and assisting the students to be self-reliant, self-confident, self-assured emerging individuals who can set the path towards “dreams to reality”.


An understanding and appreciation of the vital and pervasive role of information as an essential input in all developmental activities. A thorough insight into all techniques of information handling with special emphasis on application of information technology.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Bachelor’s degree with 50% marks
  2. Admission is entrance based (PGCET or KMAT entrance exam mandatory)
  3. Candidates should have studied Mathematics / Statistics / Computer Science / Business Mathematics / Business Statistics at 10+2 stage or at graduation level.


  1. Application forms and prospectus are to be obtained from the college office on payment of the prescribed fee of Rs.300/- by DD favoring principal KLE MCA College, payable at Bangalore.
  2. The duly filled-in application form must be submitted to the college office with a Photostat copy of marks statement of qualifying examination before the stipulated date.
  3. The belated and incomplete application forms will not be considered.
  4. Admissions are made subject to the approval of Bangalore University.
  5. Admission will be made according to the Government reservation policy.
  6. The list of selected candidates will be notified on the College notice board.
  7. The selected candidates must meet the admission committee with original documents along with 2 Photostat copies of each of the following:
  8. Marks Statement
  9. Transfer Certificate (T.C)
  10. Migration Certificate (for non-Karnataka candidates only)
  11. Date of Birth Certificate
  12. Caste/Category Certificate
  13. Photographs –4 passport size
  14. A Copy of the income/ salary certificate (For SC/ST students only)
  15. The candidates cannot claim the admission as a matter of right by buying the application form.

 When to apply:

The admission process commences during the month of July of every year and extends till the last date of admission as per the university regulations or availability of seats, whichever is earlier.

To meet the online technical educational needs, the department is facilitated with state-of-the-art infrastructure which includes,

  1. Fully enabled Wi-Fi campus
  2. Digital Library
  3. Modern Auditorium
  4. Modern Audio-Visual Aids
  5. Industry component Laboratories
  6. e-Lecture halls

Sharada C

B.E, M.Tech
MCA Academic Co-ordinator

Roopa H R, MCA
BCA Academic Co-ordinator

Jagadish Kotagi

B.E, M.Tech
Assistant Professor

Mrs Daneshwari Alur

Prabha B V

B.E,, B.ED
Assistant Professor

Mr Pradeep B

Assistant Professor

Mrs Bharathi N

Assistant Professor

Prabha B V

B.E,, B.ED
Assistant Professor

Mrs Daneshwari Alur

Roopa H R, MCA
Assistant Professor

Jagadish Kotagi

B.E, M.Tech
Assistant Professor

Sharada C

B.E, M.Tech
Assistant Professor

Students Profile:

Year Total  Number of Intake  Total Number of Admissions taken
2018-19 40 24
2019-20 40 11
2020-21 40 40
2021-22 40 39
2022-23 40 39

Academic Results:

Year Pass % First class with Distinction%
2016-17 100 100
2017-18 100 100
2018-19 97.22 97.22
The academic excellence of the MCA Programme reflected in its student’s performance at University examination. The department maintains an excellent record of 100% results. Securing ranks at university examinations has reflected the high academic standards of the department.

University Ranks

Sl. No Department Name of the student and Register Number Rank International/ State / university  Photo
01 MCA SARANYA V (MC190810) I Bengaluru City University 2022
02 MCA PRIYANKA PATIL (MC190809) II Bengaluru City University 2022
03 MCA VARNITHA D (MC190812) V Bengaluru City University 2022
04 MCA PAVITHRA M (MC200830) I Bengaluru City University 2022
05 MCA ARCHANA J (MC200803) IV Bengaluru City University 2022
06 MCA SUSHMA S R (MC200830) V Bengaluru City University 2022


PO 1 –  Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of computer science engineering problems.

PO 2 –  Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO 3 –  Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO 4 –  Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO 5 –  Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO 6 – The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO 7 –  Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

PO 8 –  Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO 9 –  Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO 10 –  Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO 11 – Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO 12 – Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change

Course Outcome

  • Evaluate Group, Ring and Fields and 2D Geometry.
  • Familiarity with Determinant and Matrices.
  • Formulate Limit, Continuity and Differentiability.
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge Definite and Indefinite Integrals.
2Computer Organization and Architecture
  • Ability to understand the functions of various hardware components and their building blocks .
  • Ability to understand and appreciate Boolean algebraic expressions to digital design.
  • Understanding of sequential and Combinational circuits  Understanding of realization of different combinational/sequential circuits
  • Understanding of different stages of an instruction execution
  • Understanding of how different hardware components are related and work in coordination
  • Ability to understand computer buses and input/output peripherals.
  • Design, develop and test windows based and web based programs.
  • Implement and innovate commands using the basic tool kit in UNIX.
  • Understanding of the principles and practice of object oriented analysis and design in the construction of robust, maintainable programs which satisfy their requirements.
  • Ability to implement, compile, test and run Java, C++  programs comprising more than one class, to address a particular software problem.
  • Design, create, build, and debug Visual Basic applications.
  • Explore Visual Basic‘s Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
  • Write and apply procedures, sub-procedures, and functions to create manageable code.
  • Understand the basic working of Internet and its main services.
  • Acquire knowledge about the facilities for secure communication
  • Understand, analyze and build interactive web applications.
  • Understand, analyze and build dynamic web pages using JavaScript and VBScript (client side programming).
  • Understand, analyze and create XML documents and XML Schema
  • Understand the programming constructs, compile, test and run C programs.
  • Turbo C IDE is used as platform for running C programs
  • Create programs using Python IDLE
  • Learn the program constructs, interpreter and run Python programs.
  • Implement OOPs concepts, usage of graphics, and implement error handling in programs. work with user inputs to create fun and interactive programs
4Operating Systems
  • Analyze the concepts of processes in operating system and illustration of the scheduling of processor for a given problem instance.
  • Identify the dead lock situation and provide appropriate solution so that protection and security of the operating system is also maintained.
  • Analyze memory management techniques, concepts of virtual memory and disk scheduling.
  • Understand the implementation of file systems and directories along with the interfacing of IO devices with the operating system.
5Data Structures
  • Analyze data structure impact on algorithms, program design and program performance.
  • Understand the concepts of  binary search trees, heaps, and disjoint sets.
  • Explain & describe the applications of static and dynamic trees.
  • Design, implement, and use advanced ADTs
6Computer Networks
  • To explain how communication works in computer networks and to understand the basic terminology of computer networks .
  • To explain the role of protocols in networking and to analyze the services and features of the various layers in the protocol stack.
  • To understand design issues in Network Security and to understand security threats, security services and mechanisms to counter
7Software Engineering
  • Extract and analyze software requirements specifications for different projects.
  • Develop some basic level of software architecture/design.
  • Apply standard coding practices.
  • Define the basic concepts and importance of Software project management concepts like cost estimation, scheduling and reviewing the progress.
  • Identify and implement the software metrics.
  • Apply different testing and debugging techniques and analyzing their effectiveness.
8Data Base Management System
  • Able to construct an Entity-Relationship (E-R) model from specifications and to transform to relational model. Able to construct unary/binary/set/aggregate queries in Relational Algebra.
  • Understand and apply database normalization principles.
  • Able to construct SQL queries to perform CRUD operations on database. (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete)
  • Understand principles of database transaction management, database recovery, security.
9Artificial Intelligence
  • Understanding of the concept of AI
  • Identifying the  application areas of artificial intelligence in real life. Apply AI techniques to real-world problems to develop intelligent systems
  • understand the different artificial intelligence concepts in multidisciplinary domains considering social needs
10Analysis and Design of Algorithms
  • Analyze the performance of algorithms using time and space complexity
  • Describe the divide and conquer, greedy, dynamic, backtracking paradigm and explain how the problems can be solved and analyze the complexity of algorithms.
  • understand the basic traversal and searching techniques (BFS, DFS)

 Program Specific Outcome (Objectives) – PSOs

PSO 1 – An ability to understand the core concepts of computer science and engineering and to enrich problem solving skills to analyze, design and implement software and hardware based systems of varying complexity.

PSO 2 – To interpret real-time problems with analytical skills and to arrive at cost effective and optimal solution using advanced tools and techniques.

PSO 3 – An understanding of social awareness and professional ethics with practical proficiency in the broad area of programming concepts by lifelong learning to inculcate employment and entrepreneurship skills.

PSO 4 – Ability to pursue careers in IT industry/ consultancy/ research and development, teaching and allied areas related to computer science.

PSO 5 – Comprehend, explore and build up computer programs in the areas allied to Algorithms, System Software, Multimedia, Web Design and Big Data Analytics for efficient design of computer-based systems of varying complexity.







18th  – Commencement of II (III sem) Year MCA Classes

30th   – Commencement of I (I sem) Year MCA Classes

31st – seminar/webinar for II Year



1st – Aptitude Training Programme for II Year

20thPre-Placement Training for II Year




11th ,12th ,13th    – I internals for III sem MCA

16th -Pre-Placement Training for II Year

18th ,19th ,20th    – I internals for I sem MCA

31st – seminar/webinar for I Year




6th   – Aptitude Training Programme for II Year

15th ,16th ,17th – II internals for III sem MCA

22nd ,23rd,24th  – II  internals for I sem MCA

28th  – seminar/webinar for I Year




10th – Last Working Day for III Sem MCA  

28th  – Commencement of Practical and Theory Examinations III sem MCA

30th – Last Working Day for I Sem MCA  



25th  –  Commencement of Practical and Theory Examinations for I sem MCA

MINOR RESEARCH PROJECT on “Overcoming the Societal Challenges in implementing e-Governance “ by Prof. Parvati N. Angadi

Title of the ProgramTopic name

Online Workshop

(December 2019)

AWS cloud literacy
VSphere certification course by VMware.

A lockdown initiative had been taken by the MCA Department by participating in LEARNTHON 2020 and conducting Webinar series on “Technology for Future” by ICT Academy and the details are as follows:

Topic nameDate
Robotic Process Automation: Basics and Beyond10th April 2020
Introduction to VMWare Cloud11th April 2020
Accelerating Experiential Learning in Engineering13th April 2020
The Future of Making14th April 2020
Introduction to AI & ML15th April 2020
Cybersecurity Essentials16th April 2020
Design Thinking – Preparing the mind for Disruption17th April 2020
Digital Transformation in Enterprise18th April 2020

STRIDE Component – 1:

Name of the ActivityTitle of the activityExpected Date of the ActivityGrants Applied
Workshop“Drones for monitoring WildLife and detecting illegal logging”The second week October 2021Rs.  1,70,000

STRIDE Component – 2: Minor Research Project

Title of the projectName of Principal Investigator and Co-InvestigatorGrants Applied
“The role of Technology-enabled Education in resolving Unemployability in India”

Principal Investigator:

Dr. Parvati N Angadi



Ms. Sharada C

Ms. Bharathi N

3.70 Lakhs


  1. Virtual Intelligence and Component Security in Cloud Infrastructure” at SJES College of Management Studies in International Conference
  2. “Wireless Security and Technical Challenges” presented at S.E.A College Science Commerce and Arts in UGC Sponsored National Conference
  3. “E-Governance: Bridging the Digital divide” – ISBN:978-1-5136-1658-2 presented at Adarsh Institute of Management and Information Technology, Bangalore in International Conference on “Science and Technology for National Development – SMAC: An Emerging tool – 2016”
  4. “Challenges for eGovernance in India” – ISBN: 978-93-84494-72-8 presented at KLE Society’s S Nijalingappa College Bangalore in UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Corporate Governance and CSR under new Companies ACT,2013”
  5. “E-Governance: Opportunities and Challenges – ISBN: 978-93-85629-14-3 presented at Basaweshwara College of Commerce, Arts and Science, Bangalore in UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Evolving Trends and Challenges in Science Education and Research – an Exploration”.
  6. “Bridging the Digital divide in India: Challenges and Opportunities” presented at Surana College, Bangalore in Two days Interdisciplinary National Conference on “Digital Transformation”
  7. “A novel framework for efficient identification of brain cancer region from brain MRI” an International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2018)
  8. “Efficient Early Detection of Breast Cancer Detection using ANN and DWT” Communications on Applied Electronics, (CAE) Foundation of Computer Science FCS, Newyork, USA ISSN: 2394-4714 Volume 7–No. 13, F 2018
  9. “A neural classifier approach for the prediction of optimal breast cancer attributes” an International Journal of Current Research ISSN: 0975-833X
  10. “Automatic mass classification of breast cancer using ANN” International Journal of Current Research ISSN: 0975-833X
  11. “Cumulative Techniques for Early Detection of Breast Cancer: A Review” International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences (IJETCAS) ISSN (Print): 2279-0047 ISSN (Online): 2279-0055.
  12. “DODOR: Dual Optimization for Detection of Oncological Region in Radiological Image” an IEEE Journal 978-1-4673-9563-2/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE
  13. “Network Security” at Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore at National Level Conference.
  14. “Strategic Value Creation in Higher Education” at Malleswaram ladies Association, First Grade College for Women in National Level Conference.
  15. “Automatic mass classification of breast Cancer using ANN” at Sun College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu in International Level Conference.
  16. “Role of Mathematics and Software Tools in Image Capturing Digital Technologies” at Basaveshwara College of Commerce, Arts, and Science, Bangalore in National Level Conference.
  17. “Review on PET Molecular Imaging Technology in the Field of Nanotechnology” at Department of Bio-Technology, KLESNC Bangalore in National Level Conference
  18. “Comparative Analysis on Magnetic Strip & RFID digital card technologies ” at Adarsh Institute of Management and Information Technology Bangalore in International Level Conference

KLESNC MCA believes in incorporating the “Do it Yourself” (DIY) spirit among its students through Project Based Learning (PBL). Project Based Learning is an educational approach that emphasizes learning through hands-on projects and real-world experiences.