Honourable Chairman
As the KLE Society stands on the threshold over a century of service, I look back with joy at the extent of all that has been achieved. I am humbled too, for I am the torch-bearer of an illustrious tradition of knowledge dissemination that has made a positive difference to the lives of countless thousands. The KLE Society began in a humble way with the establishment of a single institution in the educationally backward North Karnataka region in 1916. Over the years, it has grown into a virtual knowledge movement and presently encompasses as many as 300 institutions, 18,000+ employees, around 1,38,000 students. A new chapter now dawned at the KLE Society with the launch of KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research (KAHER) the KLE Technological University (KLETECH) in its fold. Each of these institutions, like the honey bee, sources knowledge from far and wide and converts it into refined educational curricula that benefits knowledge seekers. In the process, it brings about change & progress among the individuals, in the community and the society at large to make a world of difference! What the KLE Society is today is the result of the cumulative efforts and selfless striving of many, over the decades. But it was the spark lit by the founders and the visionaries around them – that enabled all that followed as a beacon of hope that lights up the educational landscape. Being at the helm, at this proud moment in the KLE Society’s history, I continue to draw inspiration from the original spark, in the commitment to spread the light even further.
It gives me immense pleasure to present the S. Nijalingappa College which is a prestigious institute of KLE as well as Bengaluru, silicon city of India. College offers student oriented and need based UG, PG, PhD and Short-term courses. It has a footage of tradition of excellence in academics and various domains of higher education. I wish all the stakeholders to harness the state-of-art infrastructure and expertise of experienced and highly qualified faculty.

K.L.E. Society, Belagavi.